The children had lots of fun dressing up as a celebrity. Here are the Michael Jacksons posing for a picture.
Thursday, 16 July 2009
Tuesday, 14 July 2009
Monday, 13 July 2009
Friday, 10 July 2009
Monday, 6 July 2009
Growing plants
This term the children have been growing plants. We started of growing beans but some plants did not grow, we then planted sunflowers.
We have also planted cress seeds and looked at what happens when cress is grown in the dark - Can you remember 1L?
Here are some children with their plants. If your child has not bought their plant home yet, they will next week.
Monday, 8 June 2009
If you have any objects from holidays that your child has been on (or you!) please can you send them in for our new Geography topic. (eg - post cards, pictures, shells, souveniers, hats, etc) We will be studying different countries this half term.
Please can you make sure your child knows what country that the object came from so they can share it with our class.
Thank you
Miss Mclay
Please can you make sure your child knows what country that the object came from so they can share it with our class.
Thank you
Miss Mclay
Thursday, 21 May 2009
Have a lovely week 1L!
Thursday, 14 May 2009
Rosary Beads
In class we have been saying the Rosary as it is the month of Mary. If your child has a rosary at home please send it in to school so they can use it during prayer time.
Miss McLay
Miss McLay
Monday, 11 May 2009
Role play
Dear Parents,
We are currently changing our outdoor area's house to look like the witches cottage from Hansel and Gretel. Please can you send in any old sweet, chocolate or crisp packets you may have at home ASAP? We will need lots!
Thank you
Miss McLay
We are currently changing our outdoor area's house to look like the witches cottage from Hansel and Gretel. Please can you send in any old sweet, chocolate or crisp packets you may have at home ASAP? We will need lots!
Thank you
Miss McLay
Thursday, 30 April 2009
Parents' views
Thank you to all the parents who sent in a completed questionnaire in order to help make our new School Plan. Most comments were positive and thanked the teachers in Key Stage 1 for the good job they do with the children so thank you very much on behalf of our staff.
Unfortunately no parents attended the drop-in session. Because of this Mrs McGrath and Miss McAuliffe will be available before and after school next week for your comments. Please feel free to approach them and let them know of any ideas or comments that will help us to improve our school.
Mrs Kendrick
Unfortunately no parents attended the drop-in session. Because of this Mrs McGrath and Miss McAuliffe will be available before and after school next week for your comments. Please feel free to approach them and let them know of any ideas or comments that will help us to improve our school.
Mrs Kendrick
Thursday, 2 April 2009
Dear Parents,
We wish you all a happy and peaceful Easter. Lets hope the sun will shine!
Miss Mclay, Mrs Roberts, Mrs Kent and Mrs Sainsbury.
The children have been learning about the Easter story. Today they wrote Easter prayers together or own their own. Here is a short film of the children writing their prayers. They decided where they wanted to work in the classroom and wrote some fantastic prayers.
We wish you all a happy and peaceful Easter. Lets hope the sun will shine!
Miss Mclay, Mrs Roberts, Mrs Kent and Mrs Sainsbury.
The children have been learning about the Easter story. Today they wrote Easter prayers together or own their own. Here is a short film of the children writing their prayers. They decided where they wanted to work in the classroom and wrote some fantastic prayers.
Friday, 27 March 2009
Friday, 13 March 2009
Mother's day Assembly
The children performed their assembly today about mother's day. I'm sure you'll agree that they were all brilliant! Thank you parents for helping them learn their words.
Well done 1L!!
Well done 1L!!
Thursday, 12 March 2009
Dear Parents
Next week we will be doing an experiment involving making shakers that create different types of sounds. We will need lots of pots. As many different shapes and sizes as you can find! Please send in as many as you can for next week!
Thank you.
Miss Mclay
Next week we will be doing an experiment involving making shakers that create different types of sounds. We will need lots of pots. As many different shapes and sizes as you can find! Please send in as many as you can for next week!
Thank you.
Miss Mclay
Friday, 6 March 2009
Next week is 1L's class assembly. You are all very welcome to join us on Friday 13th Feburary at 3.00pm.
Please help your child to learn their lines over the weekend as we will be practicing on Monday afternoon.
Miss McLay
Next week is 1L's class assembly. You are all very welcome to join us on Friday 13th Feburary at 3.00pm.
Please help your child to learn their lines over the weekend as we will be practicing on Monday afternoon.
Miss McLay
Friday, 27 February 2009
This week the children have been looking at sorting information and handling data.
We have spent the week sorting and learning about tally charts and making graphs.
Today the children had to use their learning to solve a problem - "What is the most common colour smartie in a tube".
They had to sort the smarties into colours then use their results to make a graph. Here are some pictures of the children carring out their investigations.
Sunday, 22 February 2009
Any old bits and pieces
If you have any old food containers/boxes/packets please can you send them in Monday or Tuesday. We will be making models so as much as you can spare will be very much appreciated.
Thank you
Miss Mclay
Thank you
Miss Mclay
Friday, 13 February 2009
1L's week
Exploring artefacts from the past.
We have had a very busy last week of term. We have been looking at measure in Maths and have continued to look at stories with patterns. The children have done lots of fantastic writing and are now able to measure in centimetres. Why not have a try at measuring things around the home?
We also had an exciting Literacy lesson on Thursday. The children made Gingerbread men and I hope all parents were given a taste!
Have a lovely half term week 1L!
Friday, 6 February 2009
Snow week
I hope all the children enjoyed building snow men and having snow ball fights this week! It has all been very exciting.
This week we have been looking at Shapes and Patterns in Maths. Yesterday the children made their own 2D shapes and then had the challenge of describing their shape using words such as "straight" "Corner" "sides" and "Curved". Today they made repeating patterns using shapes and colours.
In literacy the children have been reading stories with patterns such as "The Ginger Bread Man " and "Chicken Licken". Yesterday we did role play to retell the story. Today the children were being story tellers. They were very brave and some were able to tell the story to every one!!
In art today, the children were thinking about light and dark. They used charcoal to draw a portrait of themselves thinking about shading. They were all brilliant artists. Well done 1L!
Here are some pictures of our week.
Friday, 16 January 2009
Excellence and Enjoyment time!
Every week the children try hard to earn marbles in their lessons. If they get 25 marbles they then earn Excellence and Enjoyment time. Here is our class playing during Excellence and Enjoyment time. They have really earned their reward for trying so hard all week!

We are trying hard with Mathematical investigations. In Maths on Thursday, the children had to make as many adding sums as they could using only four numbers.
This term we are learning about Portraits in art. The children have looked at many famous portraits by different artists including Vincent Van Gogh, Picasso and the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci. The children then used mirrors to draw a self portrait of them selves.
Wednesday, 7 January 2009
Happy New Year
Welcome back to all the children in 1L. We have been working hard this week and started lots of new topics.
We will be looking at "Ourselves" in Science, History and in Art. Please can you send in a picture of your child when they were a baby. Thank you.
We will be looking at "Ourselves" in Science, History and in Art. Please can you send in a picture of your child when they were a baby. Thank you.
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