Friday, 6 February 2009

Snow week

I hope all the children enjoyed building snow men and having snow ball fights this week! It has all been very exciting.
This week we have been looking at Shapes and Patterns in Maths. Yesterday the children made their own 2D shapes and then had the challenge of describing their shape using words such as "straight" "Corner" "sides" and "Curved". Today they made repeating patterns using shapes and colours.

In literacy the children have been reading stories with patterns such as "The Ginger Bread Man " and "Chicken Licken". Yesterday we did role play to retell the story. Today the children were being story tellers. They were very brave and some were able to tell the story to every one!!

In art today, the children were thinking about light and dark. They used charcoal to draw a portrait of themselves thinking about shading. They were all brilliant artists. Well done 1L!

Here are some pictures of our week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The children look like they enjoyed making the 2D shapes. Well done 1L.

H Coady